Mural Installation Tips
Murals can be a beautiful addition to any room, but proper installation is key to ensuring that they look their best. In this tutorials, we will discuss some tips for installing murals like a pro! Installing murals from Loomwell Home Goods is not as complicated as it looks, and we have provided you with tips to help make the process easier. Whether this is your first time installing wallpaper or you believe that you are a master at it, our tips can help you to install it easier and ensure that it looks good on your walls. Once you have received your Loomwell Home Goods peel and stick wallpaper, come back to this page so we can help you install!
Peel And Stick Wallpaper Mural Install Tips
Our peel and stick wallpapers come in many different options, whether you are looking for minimalist paper to add a pop of color to any room or you want to transform all of your walls by adding decals, the first step is to pick out the wallpaper that is right for you! Pick out the right size of wallpaper by following our measuring tips. This tutorial can be a guide and can help you pick out the right amount of panels for your specific walls. Once you have measured and picked out your wallpaper, wait for it to arrive at your door and we will help guide you through the next steps!

Once your wallpaper arrives at your doorstep, it is time to get those walls clean. Wipe off the walls to remove any oil and dust. This step is important because you are going to want a clean canvas to start on. Oils and debris that are left on the walls can cause the wallpaper to stick incorrectly and can cut back on its lifespan. Any imperfects that are left on the surface of the wall can become even more visible when you apply wallpaper over the top. During this step, you will also want to remove anything else that may be on the walls, including outlet covers.
In other installation processes, one of the steps you have to take is determining which adhesive you are going to use. Luckily, with our peel and stick murals, the adhesive is already applied to the backing so that is not a step you have to worry about. Our wallpapers are designed to be removable so you can easily remove it and try again if you made a mistake. However, it is important to note that in order to get the most out of the adhesive, try not to apply any unnecessary touching of the adhesive to any other surfaces besides the one you are wanting to apply it to.
Each panel will come to you labeled to make the installation process easier. They will be numbered with numbers and arrows to indicate which panels to start with and which way the panel should be placed. Depending on the amount of panels you have ordered will be dependent on how many panels you will need to install. Be sure to pay close attention to the numbers to ensure that you are putting them in the designed order they are supposed to be placed in. Take your time during this process and set out your panels so that you have easy viewing and access to each panel. It can help to remove things off of the floor so that you can place the panels on the ground and take a look at them before you get started. Although installing our peel and stick wallpaper murals is not excessively hard or time consuming, take your time during the process so that you don’t have to fix any mistakes in the future.

While it is important to place the panels where they are designed to be, it is especially important to do so if you ordered a center mural, like our Rainbow murals. This is important to pay attention to because if one is placed out of order, it can mess up the final result. To start the process of installing your centered murals, measure the width of the wall in inches. Then, take the total width of all the panels you have and combine them. Once you have done this, subtract the width of the wall (in inches) from the width of all of the panels combined. Then, take that difference and divide it by two. This will give you the number of inches you will have in excess material. The excess material will need to be trimmed off of the first and last panel once you have finished installing all of the panels.
Once you are finished, the centered mural should be on the center of the wall. Trimming off the excess material should be done easily with a sharp knife or a box cutter. When you assess the extra material that needs to be trimmed off, double check your math and take a second to ensure that you don’t need any of the material that you are cutting off.
Finished Product
Our peel and stick wallpapers and murals are designed to be beautiful and easy to install. If you follow these wallpaper mural installation tips, you should find that installing our peel and stick products is easy and is not very time consuming. These products are also designed to be removable so that you can continue to change every room when your sense of style changes! Whether you are installing wallpaper to your kitchen or bedroom, we hope that you’ll love the final look! If you have any specific questions, please feel free to reach out to us, and we will be happy to help you install your Loomwell Home Goods mural wallpaper.